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Appley Ever After


We had so much fun with apples this week. We started out the week by enjoying the book, "The Apple Cake," a classic story about kindness, sharing and caring. The children also enjoyed retelling this story throughout the week using puppets!

After reading all about the old woman's long and winding journey to acquire some apples, we were all feeling ready to make an apple treat ourselves, and the class had such fun making applesauce! They were taught to carefully prepare the apples using an old fashioned apple peeler/ corer, and then we added lots of cinnamon and a bit of maple syrup before letting it cook. They loved smelling and tasting what they had created, and are eager to do some cooking or baking again soon!

We also read a lovely picture about Rosh Hashanah, and some children were familiar with the tradition of enjoying apples and honey at this time of year! The class also enjoyed apple stamping, and lots of fun apple themed songs and rhymes during our circle times.

This week, we also spent some more time observing the changes around us at the start of the fall season. The group took their first nature walk through the village, stopping at the Swift River Trail and Remick Farm as we worked our way through an autumn scavenger hunt. We collected leaves of all colors, found all types of seeds and seed pods, picked up acorns, pinecones, and so much more! We even got to spend some time observing a monarch caterpillar we discovered on our walk. Although we missed our music class this week, we enjoyed spending some time with Mr. Chris when he joined us for our nature walk. :)

We also had another beautiful morning at library story time this week! The children enjoyed stories about hiking through the woods before going on their own imaginary hike and decorating a little house made of birch branches. They took this fun back to our own yard by painting and decorating our little playhouse at school!

Our letter of the week was Bb this week, and the class enjoyed a story about Bears and Berries told with puppets. Some of them practiced retelling the story, and others enjoyed practicing writing letter Bb, creating it with natural materials, or thinking of as many Bb words as they could!

We've had a wonderful September. On Monday, we plan on sharing some photos with the class, reflecting on some of our favorite experiences from the month, and adding entries to our portfolio journals.

Goodbye, September! You have been so sweet!

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