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Dance Away, Dance away!


Here's a branch of showy May

A branch the fairies gave me

Would you like to dance today

With a branch the fairies gave me

Dance Away, Dance Away,

Holding high the branch of May

Dance away, Dance away!

Holding high the branch of May

This week, we had the opportunity to participate in a very special Tamworth tradition. We gathered at Remick park to celebrate spring by dancing around the Maypole! We talked about all of the colors that we are seeing re-emerge as spring comes into full bloom, and represented all of those colors with the beautiful ribbons on the maypole.

We learned some wonderful new songs that we've brought back to the classroom and added to our growing Springtime song repertoire. We hope to share those with you soon, either virtually or through a live performance!

A note about music: Sadly, our music lessons with Mr. Chris have been on pause for a few weeks as his availability has changed, but we are keeping music very much alive as ever in our classroom! We do hope to have Mr. Chris back again for a couple of more sporadic lessons between now and the end of the school year. :)

Another highlight of this week was experimenting with a new art technique: black glue- line drawings! After looking at pictures of different types of flowers, we invited the children to pick a flower that they wanted to draw and study it carefully. The children took their time carefully noticing the shapes of the petals and the parts of their particular flower as they created their pencil drawings on watercolor paper, and then they used a mixture of black paint and glue to squeeze a dark outline over their pencil drawings. When that dried, the final step was to fill in their flowers with beautiful watercolors of their choice. We were so impressed with how beautifully these turned out, and plan to continue exploring this art technique next week!

After reading the sweet story of the Mother's Day Mice, we reflected on the joys of planning and executing a special surprise for someone who loves us, and many of the children decided to bring home their flower paintings as Mother's Day gifts!

Other highlights of this week included;

  • celebrating Olive's fourth birthday! We loved having her mom visit for her birthday walk and looking at photos of Olive through the years. Happy, Happy Birthday, Olive!!!

  • Reading a book called Elephant Parade and talking about the upcoming parade in Tamworth Village. We made special jingle bell hand kites for the occasion, and were so happy to see some children bring these along to the parade this morning! If you missed it, fear not! We're planning a special parade on our playground for next week at school. :)

Wishing everyone a wonderful Mother's Day weekend, and looking forward to another exciting week ahead!

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