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  • kdzenge

Exploring the Village

As we began the first week of October, we spent a little time this week reflecting on our school experiences so far, and children were invited to select photographs and pieces of artwork to add to their portfolio books. It was so lovely to reflect with each child on their favorite school experiences so far, and to begin the process of helping them document their year.

This week, we had so much fun exploring Tamworth Village! We took trips to the brand new bakery on Wednesday and Friday to pick up fresh bread for our snack, and enjoyed some beautiful outings at the farm and the Swift River Trail on Thursday and Friday. We also enjoyed another lovely story time at the library on Tuesday, where we enjoyed the book Sophie's Squash and had fun creating our own little toys out of squashes, gourds, eggplants and other garden veggies. Our group has been enjoying these excursions so much, and we have loved making Tamworth Village such an important part of our school experience.

Throughout the week, we've continued playing with the many ways that we can explore nature and the seasons through art. We have been working on leaf rubbings, bark rubbings, nature collages , apple stamping, leaf stamping, observational drawings and creating pictures out of found natural materials! The class enjoyed the story Leaf Man and spent some time creating their own leaf characters using items from the nature shelf. We also enjoyed the Brambly Hedge Autumn Story, which some students enjoyed retelling with puppets.

The class also enjoyed such an engaging music class with Mr. Chris this Wednesday, where we explored the concepts of rhythm and notation. We missed our music lesson on Friday due to our nature walk, but we plan to be back on schedule for next week. :)

As children begin forming friendships with their classmates, we've also found this week to be a good time to discuss some social/ emotional skills during our circle times. We are working on helping the group develop the language and strategies for peacefully resolving minor conflicts with friends throughout the day, and knowing when & how to ask for help from a teacher. We had fun role playing social scenarios as a group and listening to children's ideas for problem solving strategies. We will be continuing these social role plays throughout the year in order to support children with their developing friendships and social reasoning.

This has been another beautiful week at Tamworth Village Homeschool! We are looking forward to seeing everyone again after the long weekend. We hope you all enjoy it! :)

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