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For the Golden Corn


"For the golden corn

For the apples in the trees

For the golden butter

And the honey for our tea

For fruits and nuts and berries

That grow beside the way

For birds and bees and flowers

We give thanks every day"

This week, we continued focusing on cultivating a sense of gratitude. The class especially enjoyed reading a book called "Before we eat," and thinking about all of the work that goes into growing, harvesting, and preparing the food we eat before it reaches our table. We are so fortunate to live in a part of the world where we are surrounded by local farmers, and many of our students are familiar with growing and preparing their own food. Today, we went on an imaginary journey of growing corn and making our own cornmeal before making cornbread together as a class. We gave thanks to all of the famers and workers who prepared the food for us, and took extra care not to spill any of the precious ingredients as we mixed and poured.

Other highlights from the past few days included making more leaves for our thankfulness tree, creating fun sculptures with "snow dough," and lots of process art (including painting with homemade spice paints and creating pumpkin seed mosaics). The class has also been LOVING getting out and enjoying what is left of the first snow! The children came well prepared with snow gear this week, and we were so happy to be able to get outside and enjoy the winter wonderland our playground has become!

For those families that I won't be seeing next week, wishing you all a very Happy Thanksgiving! :)

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