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Keeping Warm


Here is a poem we enjoyed this week:

January by John Updike

The days are short

The sun a spark

Hung thin between

The dark and dark

This week was short but wonderful! At the library and in the classroom, we learned all about the many ways that people and animals keep warm. We enjoyed stories such as "The Mitten," "Mice Skating," and "Extra Yarn," which reminded us to feel grateful for the warm mittens, hats and scarves that allow us to play in the snow through the winter. We reflected on how these warm weather clothes are made, and experimented with some beginning weaving projects! Some students made potholders on mini- looms and worked together to weave a baby blanket (for our dolls) on a larger wooden loom.

Some students explored pictures in a library book of the process of building a real igloo, and we had so much fun playing in our own little igloo at the library! The students were amazed to look at our igloo book and reflect on how some people are able to live in the snow in igloos, and are even able to have a fireplace and chimney in their igloos!

This week we enjoyed some warm snacks such as apple cinnamon oatmeal, and enjoyed poems and songs about keeping warm.

We ended our week by playing in Friday's big snowstorm, sledding, and attempting to build our own igloo with snow- blocks made from a baking pan!

When we discussed next week's learning opportunities with the class, the group unanimously wanted to continue with their weaving projects and continue to explore the concept of Keeping Warm, so we are very excited to pick up on Monday right where we left off!

Wishing everyone a very lovely weekend!

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