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Maple Magic

This week, we continued the process of making maple syrup as a class! The children were so excited to see the buckets they hung last week filling with sap from the trees. They enjoyed tasting the sap and helping with the chore of collecting it and emptying the buckets into larger buckets for boiling. We read several new books about maple season, and at library story time on Tuesday we continued building on this with maple- themed songs, stories, rhymes and activities! Ms. Amy showed us some of the tools used for tapping trees, and gave the children an opportunity to taste her own homemade maple syrup. While the children played maple sugaring games, Ms. Annacarin boiled some of the syrup inside and we all had an opportunity to try some "sugar on snow" just like the characters in one of our stories!

Other highlights of this week included:

* observing backyard birds at our feeders and identifying them using our bird poster and bird book

* creating forest scenes for play and storytelling (using forest animal figurines, natural materials and maple scented playdough

* continuing to practice the art of communication through Show & Tell

* working collaboratively to play songs and scales with hand bells in music class

* welcoming our new friend Warren to our class!

* Playing the "missing letters" game. The class loved working as a team to figure out which letters "ran away" from our morning message!

* creating artwork inspired by Wassily Kadinsky's "squares with concentric circles" (this was a small group activity that half the class participated in. We will continue this next week! :)

Next week, we look forward to teaching children about the final step in the maple sugaring process, boiling the sap and tasting our own homemade maple syrup! We are planning to have a pancake party at snack time on Wednesday, and another (gluten & egg free) pancake party on Friday. :)

Looking forward to another wonderful week ahead! Wishing everyone a very happy weekend!

Monday - Wednesday photos:

Thursday - Friday Pictures