After returning from the Thanksgiving holiday, the class was ecstatic to find some surprising new changes in the classroom! We teachers had some fun over the holiday rearranging the room, changing up our sign in stations, and adding some new surprises to the classroom. We loved seeing the way these new elements inspired new kinds of play and engagement from all of our students, and it made for a magical week! :)
Over the past couple of weeks, our class has been observing the changing of the seasons, and discovering the ways that plants and animals prepare for the winter ahead. This week in particular, we focused on the hibernation of bears! Some of the class's favorite books were "Hibernation Station" and "The Bear Snores On," as well as some non- fiction books with real photographs of hibernating animals.
We had so much fun imagining what it would be like to have a "hibernation party" in a cave just like in The Bear Snores On, which inspired us to have our own teddy bear tea party at school! The class loved re-reading the book and deciding how we could recreate elements of the story in our classroom. After voting on what type of tea they each wanted, they wanted to "tell tall tales" just like the characters in the story did. This was a great opportunity for the children to practice their storytelling skills with one another as we sat around our pretend fire and sipped tea. Some children enjoyed retelling classics like Goldilocks and the Three Bears, while others enjoyed telling true stories from their own lives. We finished off with a dance party just like the one in the story, and went out to build more bear dens outdoors!
We had so much fun exploring the ways that we could create our own bear dens both inside and outside, in both small and large scale. It was so wonderful to coordinate with the library this week and enjoy more stories, games and songs about bears at our library story time! At the end of this week, we also celebrated our friend Henry's 4th birthday! Happy Birthday, Henry!!!
Friday was our parent teacher conference day, and we were so grateful for the opportunity to reconnect with each family about our observations of your child's experience at preschool this year so far. We feel so lucky to have each of you as part if our community. :)
Wishing you all a joyous weekend!!