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  • kdzenge

Whisky, Frisky, Hippity Hop!

This week, we enjoyed reading and learning all about squirrels and chipmunks! The class loved reading the book Chipmunk Song and pretending to be little chipmunks living in an underground burrow as we acted out each part of the day in the life of a chipmunk. We learned that while both chipmunks and squirrels store up acorns, nuts and seeds for the winter, chipmunks need to hibernate and sleep underground all winter while the squirrels are able to stay warm enough to live overground throughout the colder months.

The class loved decorating their own squirrel masks before running out to the playground to play “Hide the Acorn”! After reading about how squirrels need to remember where they hid their acorns, we challenged the class to see if they would be able to remember their hiding spots after returning from a trip to the library! They were all up for the challenge and loved finding their own secret spots to store their treasures.

At the library, Amy and Polly were right along with us singing, reading, and learning all about chipmunks and squirrels! The class had so much fun going on nature treasure hunts together after story time, before going back to school to find their hidden acorns and cooking up “acorn soup” in the mud kitchen.

We also began soaking an acorn that we were hoping to germinate, but after further research we realized that floating acorns usually do not germinate. Next week, we plan to do some experimenting with our whole stash of acorns to see if we can find any that do not float!

This week, those who were interested also joined Ms. Katherine in the blue room for some more focused reading lessons. The group was so curious and engaged, and loved exploring words in the “at” family and the “og” family!

At the end of the week, our Thursday class created a beautiful little creation with sticks, beads and sparkly pipe cleaners. While the trees outside may be looking a bit dull and bare, this little tree in our classroom is as colorful and cheerful as anything! Next week, we plan to add some watercolor leaves and write down the many things we are thankful for on the leaves as we approach the Thanksgiving holiday.

If that all wasn't exciting enough, we celebrated two special birthdays this week!! Our class is really learning the songs and routines associated with our "birthday walks" and it has been so special inviting parents to share memories from each year of a child's life during these simple celebrations. A very happy birthday to Isla and Abrie! :)

Wishing everyone a beautiful long weekend. We are so looking forward to another wonderful week at preschool next week!

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